Friday, May 28, 2010
Testing out
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Do you know what's at stake?
Dear Friends,
I have 48 hours to help LIVESTRONG raise $75,000 for the global fight against cancer. I need your help – RIGHT NOW!
LIVESTRONG Action just launched I RIDE FOR LIVESTRONG, a virtual version of the Tour of California. The Tour is the biggest cycling event in the United States, and Lance Armstrong and Team RadioShack will be riding in it later this week. They're dedicating their ride to survivors and caregivers and raising awareness about the worldwide fight against cancer. You can do the same by creating your own virtual bike and dedicating it to someone in your life--a survivor or caregiver who has inspired you.
I just dedicated my ride, but I need your help – cheer me on! The more cheers I get, the faster I ride:
Now, more than ever, we need to talk about the global cancer crisis – this year, cancer has become the leading cause of death worldwide. And if something doesn't change, one in two people will be fighting cancer by 2030.
We have to fight back, push our leaders to act and dedicate resources to realize a world without cancer. Every single story and rider strengthens our cause and helps to make our voices heard. That's why I RIDE FOR LIVESTRONG – will you cheer me on?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
But this is it, let me know what you think.