Tuesday, June 29, 2010
iMapMyRide Now On Android
Monday, June 28, 2010
New Things
I thought I could just make a really short and quick post regarding some updates/changes to this blog. First, it has been a little since the new layout has been applied and I am very happy with it. The last layout was cool and fancy, but a bit too fancy. This new layout is more simple, loads faster, and is easier to follow, plus I thing the title area is fun.
In another direction, I have added a new 'page' to this blog. For now you can find the link (My Tracks) to the right, under my profile information. Eventually these links will be moved up under the title, once there are a few more pages to link to. That may take a little while though, new pages are just a pain to create on the phone and I just started the process of backing stuff up on my laptop to prepare it for a switch from Windows to Ubuntu (Linux). And I would love to use the desktop computer, but with our move, we can't seem to find our surge protector to plug everything into.
Until then, I will continue to post updates in my standard no-schedual way.
Friday, June 25, 2010
New York City nixes plan to remove 'ghost bike' tributes.
atombom10:26 PM
Jun 21, 2010This city has yet to memorialize 9/11 yet capitulates to these jackasses who think that the streets exist for bicyclists over motor vehicle drivers. Friggin madness.
selvagejeans2:59 AM
Jun 22, 2010the day ghost bikes should be taken down is the day when drivers would share the road and not scream obscenities as they zoom by cyclists with inches to spare...When they pay attention to the road instead of to their text messages... When they stop drinking and driving... When cyclists stop being salmons going upstream (biking against traffic)...
atombom6:09 AM
Jun 22, 2010The day ghost bikes should be tolerated is the day that bicyclists pay a registration fee for the bicycles like they do in Honolulu in order to shoulder some of the costs for road upkeep like drivers do through the various fees and taxes associated with operating a motor vehicle. Until then, go *****, bike riders!
Eugene in Brook...6:58 AM
Jun 23, 2010Congrats to the city on making a common sense decision to let these modest memorials remain. In addition to remembering the dead, these memorials serve another, perhaps more important, function. They remind cyclists to be careful of cars, and they remind drivers to calm down and slow down. Let's tone down the rhetoric and learn to share the road.
Thursday, June 24, 2010

The city is redo-ing the bike lanes along Kearny Villa road, riding home today was kind of funny with these dashed lines on both sides of me. My route to work is really great, very flat and most of it on the same road, unless I stray from that path. the only sad thing: even these new paved lanes aren't as smooth as the roads were in Okinawa.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I need to fix this
Sometime I need to get onto an actual computer and fix up this blog of mine. I plan to remove the Facebook commenting because it doesn't work they way that I want/need it to, and I'll be removing the Facebook Share and Google Buzz buttons as well because the folks that run Blogger have added a share link in the top NavBar that gives you many social networking options to choose from.
Another thing that I plan to look into doing is adding a 'Mobile' version of the site. This may not mean anything to most of you but as I have been using my new smart phone for almost all of my computing needs recently, I thought it would be a good challenge for myself to see if I could set it up (though it will probably be mostly self-serving).
In other news, today is my 26th birthday and Tuxedo Tuesday. I am celebrating by being at work...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
New Stable

Started and finished the new storage system for the bikes. I took the bike 'tree' that I built in Okinawa and modified it to fit in a corner and hold Maddock's little bike too, the old hanger that we used when we lived out in town on Oki now holds the road bike on the wall. I really like this set-up so far and I can't wait to see how the rest of the garage turns out once everything gets put in its place.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
PA to CA

The trip was long and hard at times, but the senery was awesome (once we got into the mountains). This entry is really just here to post this picture of the old bike shop sign, I don't have too much to say about our trip because it was a little while ago and it would be pretty difficult to recall it all in proper order.
Friday, June 18, 2010
I can now post short blogs from my phone (my wife actually figured it out first), so now after such a long break during our move from Japan to California I can start posting new things easier and quicker. In a day or two I should be posting some things about the trip and my first rides back in America.