Here's the short of it: I was leaving my office and saw that my tire was flat, sucks but no big deal. I found a very small thorn had made a pin-hole, so pull the thorn, but in the spare tube, CO2 blast and I'm on my way right? Well the rubber at the base of the stem on my spare ripped through, don't know how it happened, but I wasted a CO2 thing on it.
So alright, it was just a pin-hole, put on a stick-on patch and fix it right when you get home; this time I figured to just take the time and pump it up with my hand pump that I keep in my backpack for for really bad days (like this one). I had gotten the tire up to about 100 psi (7 bar) when something happened. That something is what you see in the photo above. The stem snapped, inside and out!
Arg... I'm now waiting for Kassy to come pick me up so we can go shopping.....
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